Writing Teacher Thank You Letters, Notes & Cards
"If you can read this, thank a teacher!"
Traditional saying
We often wonder how we can honor our teachers on Teacher Appreciation Day, at the end of year, or even on their birthday.
Teacher gifts are lovely of course, but the simple truth is that writing them a thank you card, note or even a thank you letter, is one of the very nicest things you can do.
Your teacher thank you letter doesn't have to be long, and it doesn't have to be smart, eloquent or even original. With teacher thank you and appreciation letters it is absolutely the thought and sentiment that goes into the letter that counts!
Teacher thank you letters and notes are a little different to a
standard thank you note in that they are likely to be more an appreciation of your teacher and what he or she does, rather than simply a thank you for a specific gift or action.
But don't panic! I have lots of wordings and samples for you to adapt and copy. And don't forget the power of quotes to put your feelings in to words and get your message across – see
Teacher Appreciation & Thank You Quotes.
Tell the Principal too!
If you're writing to tell your teacher how all-round fantastic you think they are, to thank them for a specific 'beyond the call of duty' action or kindness, or to explain what a difference they have made to your life, you may like to consider sending a copy to the school principal. Whether or not your letter helps to open career doors for your teacher in the future, or just makes the Principal more appreciative and grateful for having your teacher on the school staff, recognition is always a positive and valuable thing!
Thank you notes from teachers to students & parents
Of course, teachers often have the opportunity to write thank you notes too – to students and parents, in response to gifts, good wishes, help and kindnesses. If you're a teacher looking for thank you note samples and examples here are
Teacher thank you note examples & templates
Sorry, not ready yet - I'm still working on them. Please check back soon!
Here are links to dozens of sample teacher thank you notes of all kinds to inspire you and you help to get going. Use them as inspiration, copy a line here or there, or simply use the note as it is. As long as you remember to change names and details, you can't go wrong!
Letters & notes to your current teacher & school staff
End of year & graduation teacher thank you letters & notes
Letters to teachers who are retiring or moving to a new school
Parents' thank you notes to teachers
Teacher thank you notes from young children
Thank you letters & notes to former teachers of all kinds
More about Thanking Teachers:
100 Teacher Thank You Gift Ideas:
Writing Teacher Thank You Letters, Notes & Cards: