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Tips & Guidance
for Writing Thank You Notes

"Give people enough guidance... Don't tell them what to do, but encourage them to do what is best."
Jimmy Johnson (b. 1943), American Football Coach & Broadcaster

It may be love that makes the world go round, but gratitude and thankfulness are surely a big and important component of that love. But it's not always easy to find the words, or even the time, to say thank you, and as a result those two little words don't get used as much as perhaps they should.

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Here I'm offering you a collection of resources for those times when you want to say thank you and show your gratitude, but somehow it isn't happening. Maybe you can't find the words, are unsure what form your gratitude should best take, or keep putting off writing that note. Or perhaps you are feeling at a loss and simply don't know where to start.

If you find yourself in any one of these situations, I sincerely hope that the following articles will help.

Saying thank you

Why it's so important and how to do it.

Why write thank you notes?

Why it's well worth writing and sending thank you notes, cards and letters.

When to write thank you notes?

When is a thank you note required, and when - although not necessarily expected - is it a nice and thoughtful touch.

Dos and Don'ts for writing thank you notes

Writing thank you notes, letters and cards isn't hard when you keep these simple dos and don'ts in mind.

Prompt is polite!

Good etiquette demands that thank you notes be sent promptly... but don't panic if they're late.

Typed or hand-written?

The cases for - and against - typing and handwriting thank you notes.

Thank you e-mails and text messages

Is it ever OK to send thank you note via e-mail, fax or text/SMS?

Men and thank you notes

How to get your husband (or boyfriend, partner, fiancé...) to write thank you notes.

Thank you notes for a gifts you have exchanged or returned

Should you tell or keep quiet?

Perfectionism and procrastination

The twin enemies that stop us writing thank you notes