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Samples, Templates & Wordings
for writing thank you notes, cards & letters

"Reflection, imitation, experience: of the three methods we may learn... imitation is the easiest."
Paraphrasing a quote by Confucius on learning wisdom

Writing a thank you note isn't a hard thing to do, you just need to know how! Here are some great tips to get you started, inspiration to help you express your gratitude, and lots and lots of samples to read, adapt and copy.

Christmas thank you notes, bleated thank you notes, thank you notes for presents you dislike... you'll find templates to help you write all this and more. And if you're still stuck then contact me to get personal help with your thank you note (it's a free service!).

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The Basics

How to get started writing a thank you note

Basic tips and the six characteristics of a great thank you note!

How to write a thank you note in 4 easy steps

Simply follow these four easy steps for word-perfect thank yous of all kinds.

How to write thank you notes for gifts you don't like

Even dud gifts need to be acknowledged with a gracious thank you note.

How to write a thank you note for a gift you simply can't use / accept

When to keep quiet and when to tell the truth!

Thank you note samples & wording for gifts you have exchanged / returned

How to write your thank you note if you think it best to come clean about the exchange or return.

Belated and late thank you notes

Why it's never too late to send thank you notes.

Belated & Late Thank You Notes, Cards & Letters: Sample Wordings and a 4-Step Guide

Sample wordings, examples and templates for writing belated & overdue messages of thanks.

Sample notes for all occasions

Writing Christmas thank you cards & notes

Samples and templates galore for your Christmas-related thank you notes.

Sample notes for special people


Teacher Appreciation: Who, When & How

An overview of ways to say thank you & show appreciation to teachers

Writing Teacher Thank You Letters, Notes & Cards

Wordings, samples, ideas and inspiration to help you get write a great note of thanks & appreciation for your teacher.

Thank you notes from teachers to students & parents

Sample wordings & examples for teachers writing thank you notes & letters to students, pupils & parents.


In praise of hairdressers!

How to write a thank you note for your hairdresser, hairstylist, colorist or barber.

Need help?

Ask the Thank You Diva

Get personal assistance with your thank you note from the Thank You Diva herself (it's free!).