Thank You Notes from Teachers to Students & Parents
"Leading a child to learning's treasures
Gives a teacher untold pleasures!"
Author unknown
Not in the right place? If you're a parent or a student looking for information on thanking a teacher, please see Thanking Teachers.
Teachers and educators receive thank you notes, letters & gifts, and help and assistance throughout the year, and therefore there are many occasions when a teacher may need to respond with a thank you note of his or her own.
Whether you are writing to a young child, an older student, or to parents, the trick is to come across as warm and approachable, without crossing the line and being too familiar. Of course, your tone will vary depending on the age of your students, how well you know them (are you their grade teacher, or do you see them for just an hour or two a week for a particular subject?), and the cultural norms of where you live regarding student/teacher relations.
Here are wordings and examples for a variety of teacher thank you notes to students and parents. I hope they are helpful as models or templates for your own notes and letters. However, if you still need help or inspiration, then do please
Ask the Thank You Diva.
Need help getting started? See
how to write a thank you note in 4 easy steps.
Thank you note for a teacher appreciation day gift
Dear Patti,
A big thank you to you and your family for the beautiful gift basket you presented me with on Teacher Appreciation Day.
I love every item in it (and especially the delicious-smelling citrus candle!), and when all those treats are gone, then I shall use the basket itself for keeping my knitting safe.
What a lovely, thoughtful gift. Thank you so much!
Mrs. Patterson
Thank you note to the whole class for teacher appreciation week activities
Dear Class,
First of all, I want to say that you have made me so proud this Teacher Appreciation Week. Decorating the classroom, cleaning up the schoolyard, even washing my car until it shines!
And what's more, you've all worked hard in class at the same time.
You're a great class and I love teaching you.
Thank you!
Mrs. Tayor
Response to a teacher appreciation letter or gifts
Dear Jerome,
Thank you very much for your touching and beautifully written letter. It means a lot to me to know that you enjoy my classes.
I also appreciate the personalized coffee mug you gave me. I drank my coffee from it this morning and it tasted extra good!
Thank you again,
Mr. King
Open letter to whole class at the end of the year
Dear Class,
So the year is coming to an end and you will all be moving up to the next class. It has been a great year and I want you to know that I have enjoyed every moment of teaching you (well, perhaps except for the day that the locusts escaped from their tank!).
But seriously, you've kept me busy, and it's been great fun. I hope you feel the same and that you will take what you have learned this year and build on it as you continue your studies.
Each one of you has a bright future ahead of you. Work hard and enjoy your school days!
Thank you for everything Class.
With love,
Miss Perkins
Thank you note to a student for a hand-made birthday gift
Dear Joshua,
I was so excited to open your strangely-shaped gift package and discover the clay portrait bust you made of me. It is expertly modeled and I think it really does look like me (although a bit better looking!). My husband says it is almost spooky how realistic you have made the face.
It's a fantastic gift that I shall treasure. Thank you for making my birthday really special.
Mrs. Kelly
Thank you note to parents for a gift card
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Haynes, and Lauren,
Thank you so much for the generous gift card. What a treat! You can be sure that I'll have a fun time spending it over the holidays.
Wishing you all the blessings of the season.
See you in January,
Miss Allen
Thank you letter for help in class / at school
Dear Susie,
You deserve a really special thank you for all your help with organizing the book drive last week. You did a great job checking through all the donated books, and repacking them into boxes. I've never seen such neatly packed parcels!
The kids who receive those books are really going to appreciate your hard work.
Well done, Susie. I'm so proud of you!
Mrs. Corrigan
Thank you note to a parent for help with a school event or trip
Dear Angela,
I can't thank you enough for stepping in at the last minute and helping out with the class trip to the science center. With Mrs. Lin ill, I simply don't know what we would have done without your help!
You took the day's challenges in your stride (especially that little incident on the bus!), and the children obviously enjoyed having you with us. I hope it goes without saying that I truly appreciated your help and company.
We'd be delighted to have you along as a helper on future trips, if/when they fit with your schedule.
Thank you again,
Mrs. Bedson, Class IX
An open thank you letter to students & parents for help with an event (school fayre)
Dear Class (and of course parents too!),
A huge Thank you to you all for your help and enthusiastic participation in the school fayre last weekend. As I'm sure you're well aware, it was a great success – the sun shone, everyone had a fantastic time and we raised a very healthy sum for school funds.
Special thanks to Linzi, Emily and Madison for their superb (and very funny) performance, and to Mrs. Evans for organizing the fantastic bake stall.
Let's do it all again next year!
Mr. Spence
Thank you letter for sympathy (get well cards and gifts) during illness
Dear Class,
Thank you, every one of you, for your lovely messages of love and support during my illness and stay in hospital. I can't tell you how much I have appreciated your cards, gifts, flowers and wishes for my speedy recovery. I have them all here on my dresser in my room.
Your thoughts and prayers have meant so much to me and really helped me through this difficult time. A huge Thank you to you all!
The good news is that my doctors tell me that I'm doing well, and I should be able to come back to school after Spring Break. Hooray! I'm so looking forward to seeing you all again, and getting back to our classes.
I hear that Miss Phillips is doing a great job of looking after you all for me. I hope you're treating her well and working hard.
Missing you very much, and sending you all my love,
Mrs. Morgan
Thank you note for congratulations on winning an award
Dear All,
How can I even begin to thank you all for your wonderful cards, gifts and good wishes following my winning of the 'Inspirational Educator' award?
You have all truly touched my heart. But as I have said many times, this award recognizes not me alone, but the whole school and school community. Without you all none of this would have been possible.
So I want to say some great big Thank yous of my own – first of all, of course, to my wonderful class who nominated me for the award. Thank you kids – you are some of the nicest students I could hope to work with and I am so proud to be your teacher!
A great big thank you is also due to Mrs. Jackson – the best teaching assistant in the world. And a huge Thank you to my colleagues and the Principal Mrs. Jones, who supported me through the long selection procedure. Sincere thanks too to Mrs. Muller, the school secretary, who dealt so efficiently with the mound of paperwork the application demanded.
The beautiful crystal award is proudly on display in my classroom, and you are all invited to come see it at lunchtimes or after school.
Thank you again, and well done to us all!
Mrs. Garcia
Response to gift or letter on retirement
Dear All,
Please forgive this general letter, but I have been quite overwhelmed by your kindnesses, good wishes, cards and gifts, and it will take me some time to thank you all individually.
When I announced that I would retire at the end of this year I hoped, I suppose as we all do, that I would be missed. But I had no idea that you would treat me to such an outpouring of love and appreciation as I have received.
Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart. I have loved every minute of teaching here at Hill View and I am taking so many wonderful memories with me.
You can be certain that I won't be fading away and spending my retirement quietly at home! I will be upping my commitment to our community drama group, and also the 'Sports for All' scheme and various other local projects and initiatives. No doubt I will see many of you regularly through these activities, but if not, well you know where to find me!
Thank you again for everything, and much love,
Mrs. Rossi
More about Thanking Teachers:
100 Teacher Thank You Gift Ideas:
Writing Teacher Thank You Letters, Notes & Cards: